Sunday 11 October 2009

I'm still alive!

Ok so I've not been very good at this so far, maybe i'll try again! There are so many things that have happened since I last updated my blog but I guess I'll get to them over time. All I know is tonight I'm feeling a little bit reflective. It's funny how we seem to get so absorbed in everyday life that before we know it years have gone by and we wonder where all the time has gone.

I'm not sure where all this thinking is leading me but I hope that I will figure it all out soon as it's driving me crazy!

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Shhhhhhhhhhhh its a secret.................

Well I know I have somewhat gone off the radar of late, but my little buddy has requested I get back on the trail so here I am.

I have been deciding how I should celebrate my 30th birthday, although its not until April next year I want to do something I can remember. So, I have come up with an idea, and a good friend of mine is hopefully helping me with all the details.

All there is left to say is shhhhhhhhhhhhhh its a secret, and I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Easter Treats

I'm back from a lovely break away, which I will post some more on over Easter. I just wanted to show you the Easter cupcakes fresh from the kitchen tonight for Duncan to take to work tomorrow. Orders welcome!

Monday 30 March 2009

Bethany and Isabelle

I have two beautiful nieces Isabelle who is nearly 2 on the left and Bethany who is 4 and 1/2 on the right. They are both very different but I love them and their little characters.

This is me and Beth last summer at Ben and Vicky Dearnleys Wedding. It was a miracle a sunny day in England.

And Isabelle pulling her camera face after she has begged uncle Duncan to take yet another series of photos!

Saturday 28 March 2009

Last year

I have been thinking hard this week about my age. I still feel inside like I'm 18 and playing at being a grown up. I always thought that you got to a point where you felt like a grown up but this appears not to be the case!
I can't believe that soon it will be my birthday and and I will have one more year in my twenties. It has got me thinking about what I want to achieve before I hit the big 3 0. I always thought that I would have kids by now, but don't take that as a goal, although my mum would be over the moon!
It's kind of scary to think that I am most probably a third of the way through my life and I don't feel like I have achieved anything I want to. There are many things I want to do like go travelling and get some qualifications, watch this space because I think this last year of my twenties is going to involve some serious decision making.

Friday 27 March 2009

Catching up

Well I got in touch with two old friends yesterday and I'm really glad I did. Sometimes we let life get on top of us and before we realise it years have gone by and we have lost touch. I remember leaving school and thinking that I would just carry on as normal but our lives all take different twists and turns. People blame the Internet for so many things but you can't deny that it is a great tool for finding lost friends.

Thursday 26 March 2009

What a year

Well today I have been in my job for a year. Normally people don't remember these sorts of things I know, however I was out of work for nearly nine months so to get this job was a big deal for me. It's been a strange year with many ups and downs and today was no different, as I got called back into work to sort something out.

For those of you that don't know I work at a care home for the elderly as the Home Service Manager. It can be very hard work and very challenging at times but somehow it seems worth while. You're not supposed to have favourites but I do, she is 98 this year and called Mabel. She is always happy and smiling and I wish I could be more like that, especially if I get to 98!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Time for a break

Well today at work has been interesting to say the least. I'm so glad that we have a weekend away booked for my birthday.

Check out the link to the cabin we are staying in I can't wait for a peaceful weekend, only 10 more sleeps!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

The start

Well I finally did it! I have being saying that I would do this for so long and never got round to it, I'm not sure who could possibly be interested in my crazy thoughts.
I have lots of plans and thoughts going through my head at the moment so watch this space I hope that its going to be a good year to make changes. x